Vocational / Professional Training Programs offered by the English Montreal School Board

Since the foundation of the Adult Vocational Training department, Elite College have achieved many outstanding accomplishments. In collaboration with the Elite Entrepreneurship Club, we have helped thousands of students from various communities. We work with School Boards and offer various types of vocational training and adult education programs. With the help of our specialized and professional teachers, and our staff's serious and arduous support, every month, about a hundred students improve their language, acquire new skills, obtain diplomas, and some of them successfully start their own business, becoming more productive members of society in Canada.


  • Free tuition offered by Government of Quebec.
  • Full time courses qualified for the financial assistance from Government of Quebec.
  • Allowances for the purchase of eyeglasses or contact lenses for you or your children.
  • ASP/DEP diploma from MELS (Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec).   Sample Diploma

For more information, please contact Elite College at:

514-303-8237(o), 514-862-1982 Or email : ma@elitecollege.ca